How to Impact Your PageRank by Understanding Relevant Keywords

Pagerank is Google’s measurement of the importance of the Page.

Pagerank and Understanding Your Relevant Long-tailed Keywords Go Hand and Hand

It seems that the main influence on your Pagerank is Backlinks. The question remains what kind of Backlinks should be sought and is the quantity important. In our previous post on Engagement for Online Marketing, you can get an idea of what it takes to acquire Backlinks.

I have seen that it is not the number but the relevance of the Backlink to the Page and to the site. As a result of my unscientific investigation, I have recognized that sites for a local business with seemingly little going on for them in any other way can get a Pagerank of 5 (not bad, actually) just by getting Backlinks from local Chamber of Commerce sites. I have seen a museum get a similar Pagerank that seemed to be earned by Backlinks from other museums and organizations that provide services to museums

However, do not ponder solely on Pagerank. In my opinion, the key to online business success is getting your information in front of the people looking for what you have to sell. You want to come up on the first page when the prospect is entering the keywords in the search box that you can provide a solution. That means that focusing on long tail keywords is really important.

Relevant Backlinks and understanding your relevant long-tailed Keywords work together. The only way to understand your relevant keywords is to understand your business. If you are a bookstore that specializes in educational books, getting Backlinks from educational institutions and organizations that support education can be very relevant. Possibly as much, or more, than other bookstores. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you know what your business is and then pursue prospects and other organizations online that are relevant to your true business.

So, understand your true business and pursue engagement with related organizations. If you have other experiences regarding Pagerank and its relationship with long-tailed keywords, share them with us.


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